Profile Panels


Readers are used to perform user interactions on a door. The reader will inherit the properties of a Door for allowing users to present cards or enter pins. There is no need to have any schedules attached to a Reader.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Device – Select from the pop-up menu.


Controller – Third-party Wiegand readers.


 Keypad – SPG Keypad readers.


Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. Unique identifier configured into the device.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record reader events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


ARCO Platform enables the support of up to eight (8) Doors in a single S1000 Smart Controller. There are a series of properties that determine the behaviour of the door. Each Door can have up to two (2) readers attached (one on each side of the door), one egress input, one door strike output, one door contact input and one strike contact input.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Reader In – Select from the drop-down menu. Card or Keypad reader assigned to enter the door.


Reader Out – Select from the drop-down menu. Card or Keypad reader assigned to exit the door.


Door Contact Input – Select from the drop-down menu.  Defines the input on the controller to be used for Door Contact monitoring


Egress Input – Select from the drop-down menu.  Defines the input on the controller to be used for the Egress to grant access to a door by using a pushbutton or similar.


Strike Output – Select from the drop-down menu. Defines the output on the controller to be used to activate the electronic strike on a door to allow the door to be opened.


Locked Schedule – Select from the drop-down menu. The schedule used to specify that this door remains locked.


Unlocked Schedule – Select from the drop-down menu. The schedule used to specify that this door remains unlocked.


Card and PIN Schedule – Select from the drop-down menu.  Specify that this door requires card and pin to be used to access.


Card or PIN Schedule – Select from the drop-down menu.  Specify that this door requires a card or pin to be used to access. If no schedule is defined, then Card Only will be the default


Egress Schedule– Select from the drop-down menu. Enable the egress button to be used. If no schedule is defined, then Egress will always work.


Strike Time (sec) – Numerical value. Time until the door opens.


Shunt Time (sec) – Numerical value.  Time to allow the person to enter/exit.


Embarrassment Time (sec) – Numerical value. Time until to issue an embarrassment warning.


Lock – Select from the drop-down menu. Normal or Magnetic


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF.


Do Not Send Forced – Toggle ON or OFF.


Do Not Send Ajar– Toggle ON or OFF.

Door Schedules

If there are no door schedules defined, then the door will be in a mode that allows cards to be used to access (normal mode operation). If there is a door schedule for locked defined and the time schedule is valid, then the door remains in a locked state. If there is a door schedule defined and the time period is invalid, then the door is in the normal state or the state defined by the unlocked schedule. The locked schedule overrides the unlocked schedule. If there is an unlocked schedule defined, then the time period for unlocking the door is checked, and if valid, the door will be set to the unlocked state. If neither the locked nor unlocked schedules are defined, then the door remains in the normal state and will allow access using the normal access control procedure.

Please refer to the Schedules section below for further details.

Door Access

For access control operation, there is also a time schedule defined to determine the behaviour of the readers attached to the door. If there is a time schedule defined for Card plus PIN, then the reader will prompt for PIN entry after a card is presented. If there is no schedule defined or the time period is not valid for card plus PIN, then the reader will check for the schedule Card or PIN, and if this is defined, then the reader will allow for entry of a PIN or the swipe of a card. If there is no Card of PIN schedule defined or the time period is not valid, then the reader will default to card only mode. There is a setting on the system that defines that the entry of PIN requires an ID to be also entered.
Commands can be sent to a door to Lock and Unlock. These commands will override the current door settings set by the schedules. If a command to Lock, a door is sent then the door will remain locked for either the duration passed in the command or if the duration is 0 then it will remain locked indefinitely. There should be a different event sent for the locked status to indicate that the door is locked by a command. To exit this command lock state, you need to send a restore to normal command or the timer expired on the lock command. The same logic applies to an Unlock command. An access command will momentarily open the door and do the same operation as if a valid card has been entered. When the restore to normal command or timer expired on the command action, then the door returns to the normal state of the state that is set by the schedule for locked or unlocked.

Analog Inputs

ARCO enables you to customise your system using configurable alarm, access control and building monitoring analog data input.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Device – Select from the drop-down menu.


Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. Unique identifier configured into the device.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to report an event.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to Alarm Monitoring Centre – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


Sensor Type – Select from the drop-down menu.


Reporting Frequency – Numerical value. Time in minutes on how often readings are reported under steady-state conditions when not exceeding the Tolerance value.


Tolerance – Numerical value. The amount of difference between the measured input and the previously measured input before triggering and alarm.


Compensation – Numerical value. Offset subtracted to input value for error correction. 


Lower Value – Numerical value. Inputs below this value will trigger an alarm.


High Value – Numerical value. Inputs above this value will trigger an alarm.

Pulse Counter

ARCO enables you to customise your system using configurable alarm, access control and building monitoring data input.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Input Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Device – Select from the drop-down menu.


Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. Unique identifier configured into the device.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to report an event.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to Alarm Monitoring Centre – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


Polarity – Select from the drop-down menu.


Minimum Pulse – Numerical value. Time in minutes on how often readings are reported under steady-state conditions when not exceeding the Tolerance value.


Pulse Count – Numerical value. The amount of difference between the measured input and the previously measured input before triggering and alarm.


Reporting Frequency – Numerical value. Time in seconds on how often readings are reported.


ARCO enables you to customise your system using configurable alarm, access control and building monitoring data input.

Input Basic Settings


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Device – Select from the drop-down menu.


Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. Unique identifier configured into the device.


Category – Select from the drop-down menu. Define the type of data received from the input.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu. 


Hit Count – Numerical value.


Latched – Toggle ON or OFF to latch input.


Latched (Tamper) – Toggle ON or OFF to latch tamper input.


Latched (Fault) – Toggle ON or OFF to latch fault input.


Is Egress – Toggle ON or OFF to mark as Egress.


Is Primary Entry – Toggle ON or OFF to mark as primary entry.


Is on Exit Path – Toggle ON or OFF to mark as exit path.


Is Secondary Entry – Toggle ON or OFF to mark as secondary entry.


Report Events  – Toggle ON or OFF to report events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Input Advanced Settings


Report Trouble as Sealed – Toggle ON or OFF


Monitor while in-active – Toggle ON or OFF


Report to Alarm Monitoring Centre – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


Alarm Resistance – Numerical value.


Alarm Normally Open – Toggle ON or OFF


Tamper Resistance – Numerical value.


Tamper Normally Open – Toggle ON or OFF


Range Reduction Resistance – Numerical value.


Range Reduction Normally Open – Toggle ON or OFF


Masking Resistance – Numerical value.


Masking Normally Open – Toggle ON or OFF


Fault Resistance – Numerical value.


Fault Normally Open – Toggle ON or OFF


Tolerance – Numerical value.



ARCO enables you to customise your system using configurable access control and building control data output.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Device – Select from the drop-down menu.


Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. Unique identifier configured into the device.


Output Type – Select from the drop-down menu.


Normal – Generic output.


PIR – Passive Infrared Sensor.


Siren – Device that makes a prolonged loud sound as a signal or warning.


Strobe – Device used to produce regular flashes of light.


Camera – Video Recording device.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record reader events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


ARCO enables you to customise your system using configurable access control and building control data output.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.



ARCO Platform enables the support of up to eight (8) Areas in a single S1000 Smart Controller. There are a series of properties that determine the behaviour of the area.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Disarm Schedule– Select from pop-up.


Auto Arm – Toggle ON or OFF


Dual User Mode – Select from pop-up.


Disable Area Count– Toggle ON or OFF


Entry Delay Fast (s) – Numerical value.


Entry Delay Slow (s) – Numerical value.


Exit Delay Fast (s) – Numerical value.


Exit Delay Slow (s) – Numerical value.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record reader events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Area Configuration

The arm schedule is used to determine when the area is allowed to be disarmed and when the area is not allowed to be disarmed. If the time window is enabled, then this area is allowed to be disarmed. If this time window is disabled, then this area is not allowed to be disarmed. If an area is disarmed and the time window expires such that it is no longer allowed to be disarmed, then a late to close event is generated. There is a macro condition that is triggered when an area has a late to close. If a user is trying to disarm an area and the time window prevents them from disarming this area, then there should be a user group property to allow them to access this area outside hours. In this situation, the user will be granted access for a configured time window only. If the area schedule is set to 0, then this area is permanently armed by default. A user is allowed to extend the end window of the disarm period by using the keypad to select “extend disarm” which will extend the disarm period for an additional configurable time.



Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255.

Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.

Device – Select from the drop-down menu.

Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.

Area – – Select from pop-up.

Default Volume – Numerical value.

Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record reader events.

High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.

Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255.

Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.

Device – Select from the drop-down menu.

Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.

Area – – Select from pop-up.

Default Volume – Numerical value.

Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record reader events.

High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.

Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.

Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.

Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.

Doors – Select from pop-up.


ARCO enables you to add an Elevator profile that of an S1000 Remote IO installed with one (1) IO Expansion Card and two (2) 6Output Expansion Cards. Each module controls and monitor one (1) elevator car for up to sixteen (16) floors. Additional floors are easily scalable by adding more modules.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Reader – Select from pop-up. Reader to manage access to the elevator.


Secondary Reader – Select from pop-up. Reader to manage access to the elevator.


Reader Schedule – Select from pop-up.


Card and PIN Schedule – Select from pop-up.


Card or PIN Schedule – Select from pop-up.


Output On Duration – Numerical value in seconds.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record reader events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


Floors – Click the Add floor button to select a Floor profile for the elevator. Click Clear all floors to remove.


RCO enables you to create independent floor profiles to create specific access, properties and management.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Unlocked Schedule – Select from pop-up. 


ARCO enables you to add Cameras that can output their display on your Dashboard.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Device – Select from the drop-down menu.


Physical ID on Device – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Cameras are installed and configured based on its manufacturer’s instructions.



Alarm Type



Please refer to the Alarm section below for further details.

Contact ID


Please refer to the Contact ID section below for further details.



Please refer to the Schedules section below for further details.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

  • Rule Name – Needs to be unique to each profile. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces and a maximum length of 255.

  • Run on device – Toggle ON or OFF. Save the rule on the S1000 Smart Controller to run even when offline.

  • Condition match – Select using the tick box.
    -> All condition match – All conditions must match to run the rule.
    -> Any conditions match – Only one condition must match to run the rule.

  • Conditions – Select from the drop-down menu.
    -> Select point type – Select from the drop-down menu.
    -> Select event – Select from the drop-down menu.
    -> Select status – Select from the drop-down menu.

  • Add new condition – Click to create a new condition field.


The required fields may look different depending on your System Configuration.

  • Actions – Select from the drop-down menu. Action to be performed if the condition results are true.
    -> Target – Select from the drop-down menu.
    -> Action – Select from the drop-down menu.

  • Duration – Check to set time of action duration.

  • Add action – Click to create a new action field.

  • Conditions – Select from the drop-down menu.
    ->Select point type – Select from the drop-down menu.
    ->Select event – Select from the drop-down menu.
    ->Select status – Select from the drop-down menu.

The required fields may look different depending on your System Configuration.

Appendix D – Sample Data Configuration

Sample Roles

ARCO includes built-in standard Roles Types that define the most commonly used ways of accessing features. Except for the Administrator role, you can modify or delete all common roles.





This role manages the system, and it has access to all functions within the system

This role already exists. It can’t get deleted

Menus: All

Display system monitoring related information, including uptime, service status, etc.…

Card Enrolment

This operator creates users within the system for new employees and assigns credentials and permissions to them

They should see the “users” menu and submenus. They can add, delete, edit user information, but have view-only access on roles

They might be able to view user access logs

Display user-related information (Number of users, user activity, etc.)

Personnel Manager

This operator has all the functions of the “Card Enrolment” user, plus has the ability to define role permissions

Similar to Card Enrolment

Alarm Monitoring

This operator is concerning with responding to alerts within the system

They can view sites, profiles, events, users. They can perform actions on “Alarm” objects (Not added to the system yet). They can perform actions on site-related objects (Open doors, isolated points, etc.)

Display alarm related information, outstanding alerts, actions alerts, Map of alarms, etc.…

Reporting User (e.g. Security Head)

This user might need to generate reports on the system, based on how long it took to activate an alarm, fix a faulty door, unusual access activity, power consumption, temperature, etc.…

They probably need view access to everything within the Site. They can create reports and visualisations.

Customised data showing common report visualisations


This operator might occasionally use the web interface, and often use a basic interface on their mobile device

They can edit profiles, add a site to the system, move a site to a new profile (usually)

They need to see events and status-related information for a specific site

They cannot action alarms, or view user details (usually)

Display a list of faults in the system on a map

Site/ATM Technician

This user does not use the ARCO Platform interface but has a card and access devices on the keypad

They can perform actions on devices for a specific site that they have been granted access to for the day. Sometimes they will have permission for all sites at any time of day, and in this case, the system will record that the technician accessed the site

Once every few months they might log into the system to change their PIN (Future development)


Basic Cardholder

This user does not use ARCO Platform but might be an office worker that needs to access specific doors at their regular place of employment

They will perform the “access” action on doors within the system, by swiping their card at the reader next to the door

Once every few months they might log into the system to change their PIN (Future development)


Advanced Cardholder

This user does not use the ARCO Platform, but might be an office worker that needs to access specific doors at their regular place of employment, and might need access to several sites

They will perform the “access” action on doors within the system, by swiping their card at the reader next to the door

Once every few months they might log into the system to change their PIN (Future development)


Sample Regular Expressions



Format Samples




John Doe O’Dell

Validates a name. Allows up to 40 uppercase and lowercase characters and a few special characters that are common to some names.

Social Security Number



Validates the format, type, and length of the supplied input field. The input must consist of 3 numeric characters followed by a dash, then 2 numeric characters followed by a dash, and then 4 numeric characters.

Phone Number

^[01]?[- .]?(\([2-9]\d{2}\)|[2-9]\d{2})[- .]?\d{3}[- .]?\d{4}$

(425) 555-0123
425 555 0123

Validates a phone number. It must consist of 3 numeric characters, optionally enclosed in parentheses, followed by a set of 3 numeric characters and then a set of 4 numeric characters.



Validates an e-mail address.



Validates a URL

ZIP Code

^(\d{5}-\d{4}|\d{5}|\d{9})$|^([a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z] \d[a-zA-Z]\d)$


Validates a ZIP Code. The code must consist of 5 or 9 numeric characters.

Non- negative integer



Validates that the field contains an integer greater than zero.

Currency (non- negative)



Validates a positive currency amount. If there is a decimal point, it requires 2 numeric characters after the decimal point. For example, 3.00 is valid, but 3.1 is not.

Currency (positive or negative)



Validates for a positive or negative currency amount. If there is a decimal point, it requires 2 numeric characters after the decimal point.

Sample Access Scenarios

Scenario 1 – Access a door with an invalid card

Present a card on a reader that is configured to be on a door and verify that a valid card will not access the door and generate an invalid LED on the reader. Nothing else should happen at the door.

Scenario 2 – Access a door with a valid card

Present a card on a reader that is configured to be on a door and verify that a valid card will access the door. There should be a “valid card” event generated and a valid LED on the reader. When the door is accessed test the following scenarios

  • – Strike time will activate, and if the door is not opened during the shunt time there is an event “ access not taken”
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then closed during the shunt time there is an event “ access taken”
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then left open up to the embarrassment time there is an event “access taken” and the buzzer starts on the keypad and then if the door is closed the buzzer will stop.
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then left open up to the embarrassment time there is an event “access taken” and the buzzer starts on the keypad and then if the door is not closed an “Ajar” event is generated and after this when the door is closed the buzzer will stop and then an “Ajar reset” event is generated.

Scenario 3 – Force open a door

If the Door is opened without a valid access card or command, then a Door ‘Forced” event should be generated and the buzzer on the keypad should start. When the Door is closed and the door contact reset then there should be a Door “Forced Reset” event generated.

Scenario 4 – Access a door with egress

Press the egress input to access the door. There should be a “Door Accessed by egress” event generated and a valid LED on the reader. When the door is accessed test the following scenarios

  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is not opened during the shunt time there is an event “ access not taken”
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then closed during the shunt time there is an event “ access taken”
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then left open up to the embarrassment time there is an event “access taken” and the buzzer starts on the keypad and then if the door is closed the buzzer will stop.
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then left open up to the embarrassment time there is an event “access taken” and the buzzer starts on the keypad and then if the door is not closed an “Ajar” event is generated and after this when the door is closed the buzzer will stop and then an “Ajar reset” event is generated.

Test 5 – Access a door with a command

Send a command from Arco to Access a door. There should be a “Door Accessed by command” event generated and a valid LED on the reader. When the door is accessed test the following scenarios

  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is not opened during the shunt time there is an event “ access not taken”
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then closed during the shunt time there is an event “ access taken”
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then left open up to the embarrassment time there is an event “access taken” and the buzzer starts on the keypad and then if the door is closed the buzzer will stop.
  • – Strike time will activate and if the door is opened and then left open up to the embarrassment time there is an event “access taken” and the buzzer starts on the keypad and then if the door is not closed an “Ajar” event is generated and after this when the door is closed the buzzer will stop and then an “Ajar reset” event is generated.

Scenario 6 – Access a door with a valid card and PIN

Set up a schedule to be Card and PIN. Set a PIN for the user in Arco. Present a card on a reader that is configured to be on a door and verify that the reader accept LED will flash waiting for a PIN. Enter a valid PIN to access the door. There should be a “valid card” event generated and a valid LED on the reader and the Door strike should activate.

Scenario 7 – Access a door with a valid card or PIN

Set up a schedule to be Card or PIN. Set a PIN for the user in Arco. Present a card on a reader that is configured to be on a door and verify access of the door. There should be a “valid card” event generated and a valid LED on the reader and the Door strike should activate. Repeat the test with a PIN instead of a card and same thing should happen.

Scenario 8 – Lock schedule

Set up a schedule to be locked on a Door. When this schedule goes active the door will remain locked. The denied LED will be on the reader, and an event will be generated “Door Locked”. When the schedule becomes inactive the door will go back to normal state and reader LED will go off and event “Door restored” generated. Test while the door is locked that no valid or invalid cards are allowed access to the door. There should be events generated whenever this happens.

Scenario 9 – Unlock schedule

Set up a schedule to be unlocked on a Door. When this schedule goes active the door will remain unlocked. The accept LED will be on the reader, and an event will be generated “Door unlocked”. When the schedule becomes inactive the door will go back to normal state and reader LED will go off and event “Door restored” generated. Test while the door is unlocked that valid cards are allowed access to the door and invalid cards are denied. There should be events generated whenever this happens.

Scenario 10 – Lock schedule and Unlock schedule at the same time

Set up a schedule to be locked on a Door and unlocked on a Door at the same time. When this schedules go active the door will remain locked. The denied LED will be on the reader, and an event will be generated “Door Locked”. When the schedule becomes inactive the door will go back to normal state or the unlocked state depending on the schedule time and reader LED will go off or accept LED on and event “Door restored” or “Door Unlocked” generated. Test while the door is locked that no valid or invalid cards are allowed access to the door. There should be events generated whenever this happens.

Appendix C – Event List Definition



Access Denied

User does not have access credentials

Access Denied – Antipassback

User did not comply with antipassback conditions (did not log out)

Access Denied – Card Blocked

Card credential blocked

Access Denied – Card Expired

Card credential outside date of validity

Access Denied – Card Not Programmed

Card credential not listed in the system

Access Denied – Egress

Egress is disabled and will not allow access (outside time schedule)

Access Denied – Reader Locked

Credential cant be used because the reader is locked

Access Denied – Suspended

User credential is suspended

Access Download Fail

Unable to synchronize credential information from ARCO

Access Granted

User credential accepted

Access Granted – Antipassback

User credential accepted and complies with antipassback conditions

Access Granted – Duress

Duress is enabled (User in distress)

Access Granted – Egress

Egress button has been pushed and access is allowed

Access Not Taken

User did not enter the door

Access Taken

User entered the door


Used for indicating that an output is on


Door is open for an extended time


Alarm signal received

Analog Alarm

Analog alarm signal received

Analog Value

Value received is analog

ARC Path 1 Failed

Connection to Alarm Reporting Center 1 has failed

ARC Path 2 Failed

Connection to Alarm Reporting Center 2 has failed

ARC Path 3 Failed

Connection to Alarm Reporting Center 3 has failed

ARC-1 Offline

Alarm Reporting Center 1 is offline

ARC-2 Offline

Alarm Reporting Center 2 is offline

ARC-3 Offline

Alarm Reporting Center 3 is offline

Arm Pending

Exit timer is running


System is armed. Alarms will be reported

Arming Failed

System arm failed

Backup Communication Settings

Connection settings are for backup path

Backup Connection

Connection to Arco is not the primary connection

Battery Charger Failed

The battery charger is not functioning

Battery Failed

The battery is not functioning

Battery Fully Charged

Battery charge is at full capacity

Battery Level

Battery charge level

Battery Test Result

Battery status report

Card Swiped

Card used on reader

Configuration Defaulted

Configuration has be changed to default

Configuration Download Fail

Configuration has failed to download

Configuration Downloading

Configuration is downloading

Configuration Updated Successfully

Profile configuration is updated in the controller OK

CPU Temperature

Temperature of the control panel central processing unit

CPU Temperature Fail

Temperature of the CPU exceeds normal (below 10°C or above +70°C)

Custom 1

Custom Role 1

Custom 1 Extend

Access time of Custom Role 1 is extended

Custom 2

Custom Role 2

Custom 2 Extend

Access time of Custom Role 2 is extended

Device Substitution

A device has been tampered and replaced


Area lock is disarmed

Door Contact Trouble

Door contact input is in a trouble condition


Duress is enabled (User in distress)



Entry Timer Active

Entry timer for disarming an area is running.

Ethernet Offline

Main ethernet connection is not connected

Ethernet Offline (Expansion)

Expansion card ethernet is not connected


Used to indicate a timer has expired

External Temperature

Temperature around the enclosure

External Temperature Fail

Temperature around the enclosure exceeds normal (below 10°C or above +70°C)


Device has indicated a fault confition

Firmware Available in Inactive Bank

Controller firmware is available in the secondary memory bank

Firmware Download Failed

Firmware download unsuccessful

Firmware Downloaded Successfully

Firmware download successful

Firmware Downloading

Firmware is in the process of being downloaded


Used to indicated that a door had been opened without a valid access


Prevent alarm from sending a signal

Input Changed (Test)


Invalid Login Attempt

User has attempted to enter a PIN that is not valid


Prevent alarms from sending external signals


An input or device tamper/offline alarm has been latched on

Late to Close

An area has not closed based on the programmed schedule


Indicates a microphone is in a mode for listening to audio


This is to indicate the state of a door preventing any access

Logged In

User logged in

Logged In – BLE

User logged in using ARCO Setup


Indicates a microphone or speaker is disabled from working


Device Offline

Onboard Temperature

Temperature around the controller

Onboard Temperature Fail

Temperature around the controller exceeds normal (below 10°C or above +70°C)


Indicates that a door is seen as being in the open state

Partial Armed

Area mode whereby certain inputs can be masked for this mode.

PIN Changed

PIN has been changed for a user

Power Failed

Power supply is not functioning

PSTN Line Offline

PSTN line is not connected


Controller has restarted



SD Card Failure

Failed to read from SD Card


State of an input when it is not in alarm

Self Test Failed

The self-test of an input failed.

Shutdown Pending

Controller battery level

Signal Fail

GPRS Signal has failed.

Signal Level

GPRS signal is OK and at level Good, OK, Poor


Speaker mode of the listen in is enabled for talkback

Strike Trouble

Door strike contact monitor is in trouble state

Suspect Latch

A device has had too many activations during the current mode


Alarm for interference on hardware enclosures

Tamper (Masking)


Tamper (Open Circuit)


Tamper (Range Reduction)


Tamper (Short Circuit)


Test Mode

Test mode is activated

Time Changed

Internal system time has been modified

Too Many Invalid Logon Attempts

User has made too many login attempts

Unknown Message

Message is not defined


Door state is unlocked allowing access without presenting a card

Unmasked Alarm

The raw state of an input

User Count

Number of Users

User Database 90%+

User database capacity is more than 90% full


Analog input value

Appendix B – Report Data Fields

Listed below are Data Fields that require definitions.
ARCO Platform supports custom fields, so it is possible your company-specific custom fields are not included.

User Activity

Event ID

Unique Identifier for an event.

Event Name

Name of the event.


Provide a mean to partition the system so that a company or the users of that company can only access devices within their scope.


Permissions of a User based on the Organisation.

Target ID

Unique Identifier for a target.

Target Name

Name of the event.


Time when the activity was performed.

Credential Details

Card Number

Value of the card registered to the credential.

Credential ID

Unique Identifier for a credential.

Credential Type

Classification of the credential assigned.






Provide a mean to partition the system so that a company or the users of that company can only access devices within their scope.




Displays if the Credential is Active or Blocked. Only Active credentials can access Sites, Areas or Doors.

User ID

Unique Identifier for a user.

Valid From

Date and Time when the credential validity starts.

Valid To

Date and Time when the credential validity ends.

User Information

Active Directory

Check mark if a user is linked to an Active Directory.

Extended Time

Check mark if a user is allowed extended login time.



Type of device.

Device ID

Unique Identifier of the device.


Name of the device.


Organisation where the device belongs to.


Bluetooth User

Check mark if the role is a Bluetooth User


Check mark if the role is an executive.


Organisation where the role belongs to.


Access granted to the role.

Role ID

Unique Identifier for the role.

Role Name

Name of the role.

Role Type

Access Roles, Operator Roles or Callout Roles based on the user’s function in your organisation.


Permissions of a role based on the Organisation.


Metadata for search and reporting parameters.



Location of the site.


Name of the calendar configuration used.

Calendar ID

Unique identifier of the calendar configuration.

Gateway ID

Unique identifier of the gateway.


Geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth’s surface.


Geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth’s surface.


Name of the site.

Profile ID

Unique identifier of the profile.

Site ID

Unique identifier of the site.

Audit Logs

Action Type


Event Details

Description of the event

Event ID

Unique identifier of the event.

Event Name

Name of the event.

Target ID

Unique identifier of the target.

Target Name

Name of the target.

Time (UTC)

Timestamp relative to the Coordinated Universal Timezone.

Time (Site)

Timestamp relative to the Site location Timezone.

Devices Panel

ARCO enables you to add Devices to adapt to your system needs.


Keypads are used for user interaction to either perform mode changes to an area(s) or to provide feedback to the user for actions on a door. For the case of a door, the keypad can be linked to a reader in the configuration and in this case, the keypad will inherit the properties of the Door configuration for any door actions. There is no need to have any schedules attached to a keypad.



Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Select from the pop-up menu.


Device Loop Address – Numerical value.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu.


Alarm and Card PIN Schedule – Select from the pop-up menu.


Limit Area – Toggle ON or OFF


Lockout Time – Numerical value in seconds.


Invalid Login Attempts – Numerical value. Allowed failed attempts before the lockout.


Company Name – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.



Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

4G Expansion Card



Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Select from the pop-up menu.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu.



Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


4G/GPRS Expansion – Toggle ON or OFF



Access Point Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.



Username – Optional



Password – Optional



SIM PIN – Optional



PDP – Optional



Backup SIM – Toggle ON or OFF if secondary SIM is available.



Backup Access Point Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.



Backup Username – Optional



Backup Password – Optional



Backup SIM PIN – Optional



Backup PDP – Optional



WIFI – Toggle ON or OFF



Mode – Select from the drop-down menu. Client mode or Hotspot mode.



SSID – Provided by the Network Administrator.



Password – Provided by the Network Administrator.



Security – Select a network security type to connect.



Visibility – Select from the drop-down menu. Visible or Hidden.



Region – Select a network region to connect.


6 Output Expansion


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Select from the drop-down menu.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

8 In 2 Out Expansion


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Select from the drop-down menu.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.


ARCO Platform enables you to monitor and control ASSA ABLOY Aperio devices. Multiple Aperio devices can communicate with one or more hubs using short-distance wireless communications.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Select from the drop-down menu.


 Onboard Isolated – AH-30 Hub is using the PL4-PL5 connection on the S1000.


 Onboard Non-Isolated – AH-30 Hub is using the PL5-PL6 connection on the S1000.


Device Loop Address – DIP Switch numerical value.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Please refer to the Aperio Device Configuration section below for further details.

Audio Board

ARCO Platform enables you to monitor and control Audio devices connected to the S1000 Smart Controller.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Select from pop-up menu.


 Onboard Isolated – Board is using the PL4-PL5 connection on the S1000.


 Onboard Non-Isolated – Board is using the PL5-PL6 connection on the S1000.


Device Loop Address – DIP Switch numerical value.


Area – Select from pop-up menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Please refer to the Audio Configuration section below for further details.

Audio Converter

ARCO Platform enables you to monitor and control Audio devices connected to the S1000 Smart Controller.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Expansion slot where the Audio Converter is installed.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Please refer to the Audio Configuration section below for further details.

CRI Expansion


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Expansion slot where the CRI Expansion is installed.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Card Reader Interface


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Expansion slot where the device is installed.


 Onboard Isolated – Board is using the PL4-PL5 connection on the S1000.


 Onboard Non-Isolated – Board is using the PL5-PL6 connection on the S1000.


Device Loop Address – DIP Switch numerical value.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.



Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


RTSP URL – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


RTSP URL (recorded video) – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.

Ethernet Expansion


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Expansion slot where the Ethernet Expansion is installed.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu. Area where the device is located.


Expansion Ethernet – Select from the pop-up area.


– Leave Existing – ARCO will not download any Expansion Board Ethernet settings. The settings programmed using the keypad or mobile app will be retained.


– Enable – Input ethernet configuration.


– Disable – Disable Ethernet port on the expansion board completely.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.



Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


RTSP URL – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


ARCO Platform enables you to monitor and control Inovonics EchoStream devices. Multiple Inovonics EchoStream devices can communicate with one receiver using wireless communications.


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu. Area where the device is located.


Product Type – Select from the pop-up menu.


Serial Receiver – Select to configure the receiver first


 Transmitter – Select to configure a device that transmits input signals


 Environmental – Select to configure a device that monitors the environmental status


Product Model – Select from the pop-up menu. Model of the Inovonics device.


Serial Number – Normally this is on a sticker on the device, or maybe on a sticker inside the cover


Parent – Select a Controller as parent


Offline Timeout – Numerical value.


Signal Change – Numerical value.


Signal Minimum – Numerical value.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Please refer to the Inovonics EchoStream Configuration section below for further details.



Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Expansion slot where the device is installed.


 Onboard Isolated – Board is using the PL4-PL5 connection on the S1000.


 Onboard Non-Isolated – Board is using the PL5-PL6 connection on the S1000.


Device Type – Select from the pop-up menu.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

OSDP Reader


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. Unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Select from the pop-up menu.


Device Loop Address – Numerical value.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu.


Access Schedule – Select from the pop-up menu.


Company Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

PSTN Expansion


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Select from the pop-up menu.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Remote IO


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. Unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Select from the pop-up menu.


Device Loop Address – Numerical value.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu.


Expansion 1 – Select from the pop-up menu.


Expansion 2 – Select from the pop-up menu.


Expansion 3 – Select from the pop-up menu.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Sensor Board


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Expansion Slot – Select from the drop-down menu.


Area – Select from the drop-down menu.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Third Party Alarm Panel


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Serial Port – Select from the pop-up menu.


Onboard Isolated – Board is using the PL4-PL5 connection on the S1000.


 Onboard Non-Isolated – Board is using the PL5-PL6 connection on the S1000.


Panel Type – Select from the pop-up menu.


 PACOM Alarm Panel


 Honeywell Vista Alarm Panel


Area – Select from the pop-up menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Third Party Sub Device


Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.


Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.


Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the S1000 Control Panel.


Remote Logical ID – Numerical value. The unique identifier assigned to a device connected to the Third Party Alarm Panel.


Device – Select from pop-up menu. The Party Alarm Panel this sub device is connected to.


Area – Select from the pop-up menu. Area where the device is located.


Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF to record events.


High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF to assign high priority.


Report to – Select the monitoring centre where the data will be sent.

Contact ID Template

ARCO Platform enables you to configure third-party alarm management systems.

Contact ID Panel Configuration

  • Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.
  • Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.
  • Zone Identifier – Requires integer or upper-case hexadecimal value.
  • Partition Identifier – Requires integer or upper-case hexadecimal value.

When applicable, ARCO Platform automatically creates associated Inputs.

Configure each on their respective section on the Device Panel.

S1000 Template

The S1000 Smart Controller can remotely manage access control and alarms as well as building management functions.

The S1000 can be expanded using adaptor modules and other network IO devices.

Please refer to the S1000 Controller Installation Manual (S1000-001) for further configuration details.

S1000 Configuration

  • Name – Needs to be unique for each controller. Requires alphanumeric characters with no spaces with a maximum length of 255.
  • Description – Requires alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 255. Does not need to be unique.
  • Firmware – Click the button to search the firmware file using the file browser.
  • Reboot after Firmware update – Toggle ON or OFF.
  • Default Service User – Toggle ON or OFF.

Select each TAB for the different component configuration options.

Core Configuration

  • BLE Access Point – Toggle ON or OFF to enable the Bluetooth receiver of the S1000 Smart Controller
  • BLE PIN – Numerical Value
    • Operation Mode – Select from the drop-down menu
    • Default – Use the SPG Proprietary operations settings
    • EN Grade 3 – Use EN 50131 Compliant Grade 3 operation settings
    • EN Grade 4 – Use EN 50131 Compliant Grade 4 operation settings
    • Custom – Use custom made operation settings
  • Area – Select from pop-up. Location where the S1000 Smart Controller is installed
  • Report Events – Toggle ON or OFF
  • High Priority – Toggle ON or OFF
  • Report To – Checkbox
  • Report Timer Change to – Checkbox
  • Time Sync Period – Numerical Value
  • SD Card User DB – Toggle ON or OFF
  • SD Card Event Queue – Toggle ON or OFF
  • Allow Config and Commands without Engineer – Toggle ON or OFF
  • Allow Input Self Test while Arming– Toggle ON or OFF
  • Language – Select from the drop-down menu.
  • Keypad Login Mode – Select from the drop-down menu.
  • Duress PIN – Toggle ON or OFF
  • Duress Mode – Select from the drop-down menu.
  • Duress Digit – Numerical Value
  • Card Suspension due to Invalid Access – Numerical Value in minutes
  • Update Keypad Alarm LED – Toggle ON or OFF
  • Suspect Activation Counter – Numerical value. The number of times an alarm trigger will send before it stops.
  • Alarm Confirmation Time – Numerical value in second. Duration of time an alarm signal is received before an alarm message is triggered.
  • Custom Area Mode 1 - Name – Alphanumeric characters. Name of the first custom user access on the control panel.
  • Custom Area Mode 1 - Duration – Numerical value in second. Duration a Custom User 1 can log into an Area.
  • Custom Area Mode 2 - Name – Alphanumeric characters. Name of the first custom user access on the control panel.
  • Custom Area Mode 2 - Duration – Numerical value in second. Duration a Custom User 1 can log into an Area.
  • Auto Extend Pin Validity – Toggle ON or OFF
  • Extend Pin Validity – Numerical Value in days
  • Sequential Alarm Mode – Toggle ON or OFF

Click the arrows to quickly switch between component panels.

On-Board Ethernet

Select from the drop-down menu.

  • Leave Existing – ARCO Platform will not download any On-Board Ethernet settings. The settings programmed using the keypad or mobile app will be retained.
  • Enable – ARCO Platform downloads and overwrites any On-Board Ethernet settings on the S1000 Smart Controller.
    • DHCP – Toggle ON or OFF for automatic configuration of the controller Ethernet.
    • IP Address – Numerical value. Manually input the controller IP address.
    • Subnet Mask – Numerical value. Manually input the controller subnet mask.
    • Gateway – Numerical value. Manually input the controller gateway.
    • DNS – Manually input the controller DNS.
    • Disable MAC and ARP Processing – Toggle ON or OFF.
    • Enable SNMP – Toggle ON or OFF.
  • Disable – Disable the Ethernet port on the S1000 Smart Controller completely.


Select from the drop-down menu.

  • Leave Existing – ARCO will not download any Paths settings. The settings programmed using the keypad or mobile app will be retained.
  • Enable – ARCO Platform downloads and overwrites any Paths configuration on the S1000 Smart Controller.

ARCO Platform enables your system to have consistent and reliable connections through the redundancy of Paths.

Connection priorities are divided into Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Paths.

ARCO Platform automatically switches Paths when the previous one is not available.

Path Navigation

  • Connection – Select from the drop-down menu. Type of Network connection.
    • Ethernet (TCP) – Transmission Control Protocol for built-in Ethernet connection.
    • GPRS (TCP) – Transmission Control Protocol mobile connection.
    • WiFi (TCP) – Transmission Control Protocol for expansion card Ethernet connection.
    • Ethernet Expansion (TCP) – Transmission Control Protocol mobile connection.
    • PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network connection.
  • Address – Alphanumeric characters.
  • Port – Numerical value. Port address of the connection.
  • Connection Check – Numerical value.
  • Set as primary – Check to set the connection as the default Path.